March 15: Registration opens.
March 15 - April 30: Any students who apply during this time will be in Group #1 and are guaranteed a spot in program on the first day of school. Program Managers will confirm enrollment with families in this group during May.
May 1 - June 30: Any students who apply during this time will be considered Group #2. This group of students are essentially the first round of students on the pending list and will be scheduled in program as more staff become available. Program Managers will inform families the status of enrollment during July.
July 1 - On: Any students who apply during this time will be considered Group #3. This group of students are essentially the second round of students on the pending list and will be scheduled in program as more staff become available. Program Managers will inform families the status of enrollment as applications are received.
The Expanded Learning application is closed for some sites as we have long waitlists for those sites. If you have urgent need for Expanded Learning and would like to add your child’s name to the list, please contact the program manager at your child’s site.
Once all the waitlists are clear, we will reopen the application.
د ام وین عامه والډورف eK-8
3351 سپړونکی ډاکټر.
سیکرمینټو ، CA 95827
جان لاهم K-8
2200 جان لاهم ډاکټر.
سیکرمینټو ، CA 95832
Genevieve F. Didion
6490 harmon Dr.
Sacramento, CA 95831
John Still K-8
2200 John Still Dr.
Sacramento, CA 95832
مارټین لوتر کینګ جونیئر
480 د کوچني سیند لار
سیکرمینټو ، CA 95831
د روزا پارکونه
2250 68 وږی.
سیکرمینټو ، CA 95822